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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Tracing one's roots

A weekend with The Craco Society at the Villa Roma Resort....................

Since last April Connie has been working on a genealogy study of  her father's side of  her family, the Roccanova's. Her ultimate goal is to document her work in a book that will including photos, text,  maps and charts.

A few weeks into the task Connie learned the Roccanova's family roots had their origin in the small southern Italian village of Craco, And, there was a four year old Craco Society that would be meeting  August 6 - 8 at the Villa Roma Resort near Callicoon, NY. Their purpose is to keep the story of Craco alive amongst former residents and descendants of Cracotans.

Connie joined the Society and we made reservations for the event. With much curiosity and anticipation we arrived at Villa Roma Friday afternoon.

     The Villa Roma is a large sprawling family resort in the lower Catskill Mountain Region of New York.                                         

                   Early Friday evening we attended an opening reception. We estimated over 70        
                   friendly, engaging Crachesi/Cracotans and/or descendants were in attendance.  

                                                           Mixing and mingling!!!!
                             Following the welcoming reception we sat for dinner in the Villa Roma dining room. 

After dinner everyone gathered in the Craco Society Hospitality Suite to get aquainted. Here Connie shows  her just met cousin Bob Rubertone, and others, a draft of her book.


Connie brought two "family tree" charts, one for the Roccanova clan ( her great grand father), and one for the Rubertone's (her great grand mother's family), provided by cousin Debbie Carey Harbuck. Crachesi/Cracotans looked over the charts searching for a possible connections or familiar names.

                              After dinner, a little home brewed Limoncello settled the stomach.


An oil painting of  a distant Craco by one of the attendees.

Saturday morning after breakfast, we were back in the hospitality suite.
Here Craco Society President Joe Rinaldi makes a presentation on the history of Craco and the society's Spring 2010 trip to Craco.

Others made presentations on life in Craco and there were emotional comparisons of life in America and Craco. 

Craco, Italy

The following were taken from the various video's shown.

The video's brought back memories for some and were very informative for others.....

Saturday afternoon there was more swapping of information, photos and stories....

Connie with cousin Bob Rubertone, related via both her great grand father and her great grand mother.....Bob had made a presentation on the Madonna della Stella. There were also discussion re the devotion to  San Vencenzo Martino, a much venerated saint of Craco. Books and literature were available on both.

Sunday started with a beautiful well attended  Mass celebrated by Msgr. Nicolas Greieco a Craco native. Fr. talked about what Craco meant to him, i.e. family and faith.

The Mass was followed by breakfast, farewell embraces, arrivedercis, addio and ciao!!!!!

It was a fun and meaningfull weekend......................

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A drive through the Catskills

Last week, we had the occasion to journey up state to spend a few days with friends, play golf, and attend a gathering of The Craco Society, an organization dedicated to preserving the heritage of  the small Italian mountain village of Craco.....More on The Craco Society in a later blog posting.

Right now we take you on a drive through New York's scenic and charming Catskill Mountain region...
Enjoy the sights!!!










We hope you enjoyed that scenic ride....We have arrived at Villa Roma....Our next posting will be about the Craco Society and the tracing of family roots......

C  and  J

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Candids from Long Beach

We are half way through the Summer of 2010.....

For years, both of us have lived in the vicinity of Long Beach, have had children that lived there in their post graduate years, have gone to the restaurants, have taken walks on the boardwalk, or have taken visitors to see the wide white sandy beach. 

But honestly, we never got around to spending any time absorbing all the fun in sun activities that this south shore island offers.

 Here is a collection of snap shots of the many Long Beach activities we have seen this summer... Enjoy!

                                                        Welcome to Long Beach

The sun  rises on the white sand

              Long Beach comes alive on the 2 mile long boardwalk....walkers, joggers, runners, bicyclist....

The sand sculptors...

Beach volleyball is big in Long Beach...

Surfers abound...........

Searching for the perfect waves.....

Surfers of all types and styles..............

The Long Island Railroad brings thousands to Long Beach

The crowded beach..........

The annual board walk arts and crafts fair is a big draw.......

Plenty to see and buy....

Solitude beyond the waves......

Peace and quiet without distractions......

O' well, it is the beach................

Looking for a catch.................

Kite surfing, a Long Beach evening ritual....

Death defying feats..............

Another day comes to a close at Long Beach.....

All photos by JPK Creative Images.......