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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sights and views of Old Bethpage Restoration Village

 It was a cloudy September afternoon with a 40% chance of rain in the forecast.  It was hardly the day when one would think about taking their camera out of the closet and venturing out on a photography expedition.

But, looking for new subject matter and a new venue, Connie and I turned back the pages of history and headed to Long Island's, Old Bethpage Restoration Village.

OBRV is situated on 209 acres, near the Nassau and Suffolk County's lines, and is a living history museum depicting what a typical rural Long Island village looked like in the 1800's. The first building was moved to OBRV in 1963. Today, some 51restored  homes, churches and businesses are on the site.

Join us on this pictorial tour.

                              Its helps to have a map reader. No GPS in the 1800's!

                      Follow me, this way !

 The volunteer guides give the setting an historic feeling.

     Connie reflects she might have done an oil painting of the barn years ago!

                                 The 1800's window dressing's frame one's view.

             One of the barn's in the village....

Grazing sheep.   

Photographers at work........

   Another window view ....

 View from inside the barn.....

Camp of Union Troops.....

               Manetto Hill Church

Hope you enjoyed,  John & Connie                             9-25-2011

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Exciting stuff!!!!

After a couple of our recent blog postings, the subjects of which were aircraft and birds, someone suggested I like to photograph subjects in flight. 

That appears to be true and I believe it's because it is a challenge! Here, we go again! We now take you to Long Beach, NY and the Quiksilver Pro Surfing Championships. This was the first such international competition ever held on the East Coast of the US. It was also the richest surfing competition prize winnings of all time, $1,000,000 in prizes.  Enjoy the view!

 There were challenges in capturing these images due to the distance from the shore and the ever changing weather conditions.  These results were rewarding....  Enjoy!

                                       Large crowds assembled each day.

                           Thank you tropical storms Lee and Katia for these waves.


Thank you, Long Beach, Quiksilver and the best surfers in the world for a great show. 

             That's all for now!

jpk 9/8/11