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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

We are still saying, everyday is a new day in Paradise !

Last year was the worst drought in 80 years for South Florida and it was somewhat  noticiable is the absence of certain plants and wildlife.  This year the beauty of nature is back with abundance. Here are examples.

The Preserve at PGA National, Palm Beach Gardens.

With its bountiful and beautiful wildlife !

A Glossy Ibis !

A Whistling Black Bellied Duck!

A Common Button Bush!

A young Green Heron!

A Pileated Woodpecker!

A Limpkin !
Two very young Blue Heron !
         A Dragon Fly !
A Spoon Bill !
A young, 3 month old,  Sand Hill Crane !

A Lily !
A juvenile Night Heron !

A Great Blue Heron in flight !

With these almost daily sights how could this not be paradise ?

jpk  5/9/12

Everyone's welcome !

Summer time is just around the corner and we are heading North. 

On the agenda for the next months will be my "gig" as a tour guide at the "big house" on Fifth Avenue.  

If you are interested, send me an e-mail or give me a call.  I'll be glad to put your personal tour in my schedule.

I think you will enjoy!!


Hot off the press !!!

Through my lens!  Photographs by John Kearns

Hot off the press is a new venture.  It is a coffee table type book of some 40 pages, containing eighty of my photographs of some two dozen specie of birds from the Preserve at PGA National, Palm Beach Gardens, FL.

More info on availability will be forth coming.