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Saturday, November 2, 2013

Our friends and neighbors!

We derive great pleasure sitting on our lanai and observing nature in the preserve behind our home. It makes no difference if its for coffee in the AM or wine in the evening, nature puts on a wonderful show right before our eyes.

Here is a collection of photos from last evening. You will note the lighting was perfect!

You may click your mouse on any photo to enlarge it.

Connie and I were having a glass of wine when we heard the Sand Hill Cranes down the street. I grabbed my camera and went outside. 

The beautiful creatures saw me with my camera and obliged by walking up the berm and posed as the sun was setting. They are incredibly tolerant of my requests to "stand still",  "look this way,"  "closer together," "over here," etc.,  etc.

As Connie and I had dinner, the cranes walked into the sunset!!!

jpk 11/2/13

Monday, October 21, 2013

A little bit of Bavier in South Florida

Sunday we decided to do something a bit different for us.  Via Groupon we got tickets for Octoberfest at the American German Club at the Palm Beaches.  It was more fun than we could have imagined.

Lots of beer, food, music and fun people...


We both enjoyed the Sauerbraten, potatoes, gravy and red cabbage...O, yes the beer too!


Monday, September 23, 2013

The drive South, September 2013

Sunrise over Reynolds Channel, morning of  9/9/13.....
then, we were on our way..

 First stop......Pete and Louise's
 Dinner with friends (16 people this year), always a great time wining, dining and golf.....

On to Reston and a two day visit with Mary...

1412 Green Run Lane...

 A refreshing day in the Nation's Capital...............

Washington Monument undergoing earthquake repair.

West wing of the National Museum of Art...

 On to the low lands of South Carolina and a visit with Richard and  Mary.  Here is Palmetto Bluff.


Then on to Bluffton and dinner with Cris, Mark, Ryan and Maddie in their beautiful new home.

Three hours later we are in Florida...

Crossing the 2 mile long, $ 47M, Dames Point Bridge aka the Napolean Bonaparte Broward Bridge over the St. John's River connecting Jacksonville to Jacksonville Beach.
Built in 1989 this is the longest cable stayed bridge in the  world.


 The beautiful Tourament Players Club clubhouse at Ponte Vedra, Florida a venue that was on my "bucket list."

 The VIP tour looking at the clubs left by each past TPC winners..
The club house terrace and golf course...............

                       The famed 17th island green from the tee box.

 One more photo......


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Grand children's visit.

John, Dawn and Kristen visited us in Island Park along with the grand children... It was a pleasure to see the young ones play,  interact and enjoy themselves........

A stroll down to the water..

After lunch on our deck we drove over the Magnolia Ave. playground in Long Beach.


Ahhh!  Put Ry in a tunnel with no sun in his face and you get a great smile!

It was a beautiful day for a cook out, spend time with one another and to do it on our 5th wedding anniversary made it special for us...............................
