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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Third Thursday of the Month and the 2013 Lighthouse Art Center Member's, Student and Faculty Exhibit Reception and Awards Ceremony

It was the third Thursday at Tequesta, always a fun time!  We both entered two pieces of our art. The house was packed, there were over 160 pieces of art from over 200 artists.

  Have a look !
                                  Connie and Pears !

                                    Connie's The Stroll !

                      John and his Northern Mockingbird !

          John and his Ferris Wheel at Sunset under lucite!        

           First, Second, Third and Fourth Place Show Winners!

                All category winners and honorable mentions!

The exhibit is open through April 20th, 373 Tequesta Drive, Tequesta, FL.

jpk/ckk 3/24/13

Monday, March 18, 2013

Bird watch mid March 2013

Just because there hasn't been a blog posting in two weeks doesn't mean I haven't been walking in "Paradise" aka "the preserve" behind   Edinburgh Dr.  

I've been at it again and with some success.

Have a look..... meet our neighbors....

These sights are an everyday occurrence for us!!!!!!

Enjoy, click on anyone to make it larger....

jpk 3/18/2013  

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Nature's annual blessed event....

I think it is time for me to do another "coffee table" bird book.  However, this time it will be about the Sand Hill Crane's, their mating period, nesting and the early raising of their off spring or chicks.  

I am very fortunate to have an annual ring side seat to all of this. 
We see it every year!  This year we had beautiful weather and I am wiser to the habits of these magnificent creatures.  I knew their comings and goings, they knew me! It was a mutual respectful relationship.

Below is only a sample of twenty-eight or twenty-nine days of photographs.  Multiply these photos 40 times and you will know why I want to do a book.   I  have plenty of  material..  Enjoy!!!  

Always remember you can click your mouse on any image and it will enlarge for better viewing.    

This is a story about a man and his friend and neighbor, Mr. Sand Hill...

These two have been neighbors for nearly five years. They, their spouses, know and visit each other almost on a daily basis.  

Take a look.......
Spring time is around the corner and its time to expand the family.
Lets get the house in order.
Soon after we have one egg and its time for  the Dad to come home and see what Mom has done.
Dad comes home.....
Dad says, I think you have more work to do...
The next day we have two eggs...............
   Dad fly's off again ............
Mom sits home during the rain.....
Dad comes home at the end of the day......
and takes his turn on the nest, Mom does house cleaning...

Then, she flys off to visit neighbors....
Other days, neighbors fly in to visit.........
And, I am introduced......

A little bit more house clearing, since the big day is almost here..
28 days after each egg was laid, we have two baby chicks.....

Welcome !!!!!

jpk 3/3/13