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Monday, July 8, 2013

Fine weather draws one to the great outdoors !!!!

The excellent rain free weather, with ocean breezes, drew me to explore the nearby Oceanside Marine Study Area. 

This 57 acre preserve is located on  Reynolds Channel Lagoon, the body of water that separates the Long Island's main land from the barrier beaches, i.e. Long Beach and Lido Beach.

The OMSA has been set aside by the Town of Hempstead as an outdoor environmental education laboratory for elementary and secondary schools as well ecology management study site for local college students.

Due to its natural beauty the site is also a draw for artist and photographers.

The Marine Study Area suffered damage from the tidal storm surges of "Super Storm Sandy" and was shut down for three months. Two classrooms were lost.....

                                      Old preserve elevated boardwalk !

                                   New composite elevated walkway.
          Motor power, wind power and muscle power,
boating on the lagoon!

          The shore line preserve is home to a variety of bird life.
                                          A  Yellow Crowned Night Heron.
                                                               Great egrets.

                        Each year a pair of Osprey return to start a family.
                            Bringing home a fish dinner.

                                                       Young scrub jays!
                                                      Feeding time ! 


Sunday, July 7, 2013

Backyard surprise July 6, 2013

With July 4th, 2013 falling on a Thursday, local firework displays seemed to run the entire week. Town of Hempstead had their's Sunday June 30, other communities had their shows July 3, 4, 5, and last night,  July 6th!

We were treated to a truly spectacular show from our balcony.  Apparently, one of the owners of a nearby water front home on Reynolds Channel went big time and  put on a show that lasted close to an hour.  

Of course, I grabbed my camera and took a few shots.. Have a look at these!

You will note how close the exploding rockets, etc. were to us.

I chose to display in somewhat of an abstract format, i.e. you know these are fireworks explosions, but with several, you can't be positive.

Click on any image to enlarge...   Enjoy !!!!
