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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Robby's visit !

Connie's grandson, Robby, was our house guest this past week.  Knowing Robby's interest, his goals in life,  enabled Connie and I to plan a defined week of activities which we thought Robby would get immersed in and enjoy. We believe we accomplished that!!!!

We were fortunate to get an invitation to a photography exhibit and lecture by Seth Resnick one of most influential photographers of the decade, Resnick's work has appeared in over 2,5000 publications. Resnick talked of his photo expeditions to Africa, Iceland, and the Arctic Regions.
Robby's first evening in So. Florida was up close, personal and educational, Resnick is a very entertaining speaker.

The photos in this blog are a collaboration of Connie's, Robby's and your's truly.

To learn more about Resnick click on;

The next day, Friday, we visited two of the most well know wildlife and bird rookeries in So. Florida, Wakodachie and Green Cay. Because of  record torrential rain the night before we were able to capture some terrific sights.

Friday evening we attended an opening at the Onessimo Fine Art Gallery in Palm Beach Gardens.
The feature artist was world renown Hessam Abrishami..... his works on display included...

These two images are blurred because I took them from the Gallery web site. Check out the Onessimo web site for further details.

Saturday,  we visited the Wynwood Art District  of Miami which is the home to over 70 Galleries and is one of the largest open-air street-art installations in the world. Taking over what used to be a warehouse and manufacturing district of greater Miami,  developers have rehabilitated neglected warehouses and turned them into art complexes. This was a most colorful site that anyone one could experience.

 Connie exploring Wynwood!

We came across a wedding photo shoot....

Wynwood was like nothing we had seen before and we enjoyed the inspiring creativity.....

Sunday, after Mass we attended the Palm Beach Gardens weekly Green Market.

That afternoon we visited nearby Lion Country Safari.
With Connie as our chauffeur, Robby and I were able to explore the "Africian" continent up close....

Monday we took a break from sightseeing and went to the gym.  That evening,  it was a very enjoyable and cordial dinner at the Foxes.

Tuesday, we went to nearby Grassy Waters Preserve and later, dinner at PGA National Resort and


Dining, people watching, and chatting about the week's events filled last evening. We never thought to take out our phs to get a group photo, will do that the  next time......

Robby, we enjoyed having you and look forward to more children and grand children visits.

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Sunday, January 5, 2014

A fun event in Miami Beach...

 In early December, Connie and I took a bus tour to Art Basil, the huge art show at the Miami Beach Convention Center. 

It was a day of fun, even more so, because we left the driving to someone else.

We stopped for lunch on Lincoln Road, Miami Beach before entering the convention center.

 Connie was stopped and interviewed by a TV crew. 

We saw businessman, art collector, philanthropist, photographer and force behind the Limo Land line of clothing   Jean " Johnny" Pigozzi.  
He was kind enough to stop,  chat and pose for a picture......

Inside the convention center....
Over 70,000 people were expected to attend the week of Art Basil 2013.  

We did have to ask ourselves is some of this stuff really art.

Art Basil will move on to Basil Switzerland and Hong Kong....


Saturday, January 4, 2014

Winter wildlife!

Christmas shopping done, fit in among visits with children, grand children and friends were a couple of visits to the Oceanside Marine Study Area with camera.

This 50 acre preserve on Hempstead Lagoon/Bay lies a few miles East of our Island Park home and is winter home to dozens of Mallard ducks and Canadian Geese. A few beautiful white swans have also taken us residency there.

The tall grasses against the winter blue sky.
Two swans making a three point landing with geese providing a background.

 Canadian Geese

A male Mallard looking for a landing spot....

    A male Mallard in flight.......

The tall grasses make an attractive background this time of year.

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