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Friday, March 7, 2014

Beautiful homes on land and afloat......

Taking advantage of a beautiful morning,  we took a luncheon cruise on the Intracoastal, which is also known locally as the Lake Worth Lagoon.  It was a delightful experience and extremely interesting....while we have been to Palm Beach numerous times, we had never seen it from the water.

Join us and we hope you enjoy the sights as much as we did.

 We set sail on the Majestic Princess similar to the yacht on the right in this picture.

 The Marina Grande condos at the foot of the Blue Heron Bridge, over 40 stories tall...

The restored Peanut Island US Coast Guard Station...President John F. Kennedy had an underground bunker on Peanut Island for when he vacationed at his parent's Palm Beach Winter home. In case of nuclear attack, he would use the facility.

Looking North at Singer Island and its many condo towers....

It was a delightful day on the water.

Some of the homes we saw on the Intracoastal side of Palm Beach Island.

The former Biltmore Hotel now houses condo's.

Looking at downtown West Palm Beach and more condo's across the water......

Just when you think you have seen it all, we passed these beautiful super yachts.....,

Then, we came upon Sailfish Marina......
Singer Island's Sailfish Marine houses a large fleet of  Sailfish charter boats, an excellent restaurant and an arts and crafts show every Thursday night during season.....

The yachts were from all over the globe....and were of all types...
The Palm Beach Inlet is only 59 miles from a Bahama Islands........

Nowadays, with the Internet you may Google a yacht's name,  find out the size, where it was built, and even see photos of the interior. That is, if the Yacht is for hire or charter. And yes, in some cases you can find out who the owner is or a past owner.

The 75' Reel Janie formerly belong to C&W singer Alan Jackson when the yacht was titled, Hull Billy.....

jpk 3/7/14