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Monday, September 1, 2014

Labor Day 2014

Part of our Labor Day weekend was spent visiting with Maura and John upstate. What a great time we were shown !

Saturday evening, we attended a concert of the 1970's pop rock band Orleans in an abandon blue stone rock quarry outside the Village of Saugerties. This was neat stuff!!!!

Pictures are better than words, so take a look.

A brief explanation;
In 1938, Harvey Fite dropped out of law school to take up acting and sculpturing. He found  a 12 acre abandon blue stone quarry and starting building ramps, terrance, monuments, etc. He called his work, Opus 40 as he figured it would take 40 years to complete his work. However, in 1976 after laboring for 37 years, 72 year old Fite died in an accidental fall at the quarry.

Today, Opus 40 and museum is a tourist attraction.... Saturday night, it was a concert venue.

Before the concert.....Harvey Fite's, Opus 40!

Build it and they will come!

Connie, Johnny Mac, Maura....

Orleans belts out their favorite hits, i.e. Still the one, Dance with me, Let there be music, Love takes time, etc.,

The audience was on their feet!

It was show time!
 Recognize these folks?

Back at the Mac's and the fire pit......

Thanks, Maura and John !!!!

Photos by CKK and JPK...