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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Christmas Eve 2014

The action, liveliness, and excitement of Christmas 2014 kicked off at our place, Christmas Eve ....

John, Dawn, Ryan, Hailey, Kristen, Patrick, Caroline, Colin, Kerri, Dan, Connie and John made for a houseful!!!

Santa had already arrived.....

Colin's second Christmas !!!!

                                 Caroline and Hailey...

          All four cousins, Hailey, Caroline, Ryan and Colin.... 

Caroline inspects Kristen's and Connie's collaboration...

                                                 Dawn, John, Hailey and Ryan...

 A most delicious and wonderful Christmas dinner.

And time for pictures to preserve memories...

The Flinn's

                                                                The Burkes....

The whole gang Christmas 2014...

click on any picture to enlarge
jpk/ckk 12/30/14