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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

A week in Havana !!!

Plein Air Painting journey to Cuba
 February 7 - 14, 2015!

Leaving Tampa.

We went, we saw and were captivated by the faces, places, history and charisma of Cuba...
Jose Marti arrivals terminal.....

The People !
The Tropicana Review at the El President                   

   Our charming and accommodating Tour Guide, Rose.

                                       An ever present street troubadour.

                                            An art student in Las Terrazas.

A musician at La Casa Del Campesino.
                                                 Maria, coffee bar proprietor.        
                                                          Tropicana show girl.  

                                                   Engineer turned artist!            
                 Herbal medicine Doctor at Vivero Organoponico Alamar.                                  

            Bride and Groom along the Malecon,  St. Valentine's Day is near.
                          Museum  matron, with the ever present "sox!"

Colorful African influence dress

             School students reciting pledge of allegiance to the Cuban flag.

                                          Pick up soccer game in the Univ. stadium.

A follower of  Santeria.

                                        Soldier at Museum of the Revolution.
                                                     New friends

                                           All came to learn...

                                          one of  Greg's several demos.

                                                              and paint...

                                    Easels, easels, everywhere there were easels....

                         Painting in the seaside village of Cojimar.......

                        This is the spot "Old Man and the Sea" was filmed...


                                           and lunch, everyday a new lunch spot...

                                    Our dinners were always a treat!!!

                                              Congo line at Buena Vista Social Club.......

                                            Meeting Canadian Tourists.
                              Today's lunch at El Ajiaco near Cojimar.........

                                    Rose and Phil discuss, where to next!!!!
                                                                  The   Places!
                                                     Las Terrazas community.
                                              Havana University "football" Stadium
                                                                   Hotel Presidente
                                                            another view,  Hotel Presidente

The countryside of Las Terrazas.

                                        an old lodge in Las Terrazas.
                                    The Cuban National Museum of Arts in Havana.

                                    Castillo da los Tres Santos...Reyes Magos del Morro

                                                               Plaza de la Cathedral
                                                            Typical restaurant plaza.  
                                                                 Capitolio Nacional

                                  Interior of  the Camara De Representatives, now a museum.

An old Havana street scene.

From the bell tower.
                                                                   Old Havana.
Castle of the Royal Guard.
The harbor.
Cathedral Plaza under lights.
Interior La Patio Restaurant .
Interior dome of Church of St. Francis de Paula

The finale, the participants exhibiting a week of their works.

and the group photo !

                                                                                                     ckk & jpk  2/28/15