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Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day 2010 snap shots!

Memorial Day Weekend 2010 we were blessed with outstanding weather.........Saturday and Sunday were the kind of outdoor days when one felt an urge to take pictures of something, if only, because this gorgeous weather had been a while in coming and we wanted to remember it.......

Getting down to the cabana at Malibu, before the rest of the family, we went for a stroll along the beach to Point Lookout and the Jones Beach Inlet.....over on Jones Beach, a few miles to our East, the annual Memorial Day Airshow was taking 2 PM the feature of event, the U S Navy Blue Angels flying team, were just making their appearance....

The Blue Angles C-130T Hercules support aircraft fly over....

The photo journalist arrives too!

Over Pt. Lookout beach planes of the Blue Angels team appear.....

Here comes three more......

I've got them in sight!!!

F/A - 18 Hornets  # 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 arrive.....

While the Jones Beach venue was miles away the spectacular show was in front of us, too....

With 150,000 spectators at Jones Beach, others take to the water....

"Just a minute guys, I was here first, let me in the show"

One picture like this makes the walking and waiting worthwhile....

"Can we get in the show, too?"

Pt. Lookout, we salute you too!!!

The US Navy Blue Angels six member flying team

Precision flying at approximately 700 mph......

A veteran enjoys the show....

Up, up and away!!!!

Farewell to the south shore of Long Island.......

jpk 5/31/2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

It was good that we all were here!!!

Our first Sunday back was a special event...Connie threw a great graduation party for her Goddaughter Alexis.....and both sides of the family came to be together...Its was a great way to get a jump start on the Summer of 2010..... Take a look...

                                      Congratulations, Alexis!

Kris, Caryn, Carolyn and Jeanne Ellen

Honored guest and family

It was an occasion to pop the cork!

Alex and Greg....

Guess who awoke after a long drive...

Ed, Savannah, Gioia and Connie...

Grandpa and  Ryan....

Aunt Kerri and Ryan

The girls getting caught up!!!!!

Anyone for a game of hoops?

Time to chat and catch up.....

May I have your attention please!!!!!!!

                                           No more pictures!

                                           That's all for now folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jpk 5-2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

March and April 2010 - The best of the birds, butterflys and flowers...

The months of  March and April seemed to be the best for photographing the fabulous birds of Florida....I've picked some twenty photographs to post on this blog.... and, you'll also find some colorful butterfly's, insects and flowers.... enjoy!!!!

The mother Sand Hill Crane shows her newly hatch baby where to find food.

A great blue heron with breeding plumage......

An egret make a landing.....

The baby Sand Hill Crane is almost three week old.....

Could this be an uncle flying in to visit his new nephew?

A great blue heron in flight....

A great american egret flying over duckweed...

A black belly whistling duck heads north....


A passion flower



Flowers in Bok Tower Gardens.....

A little green heron pokes holes in her eggs....

Reflection of a black-necked stilt....

Wild flower.....

Water lily.......

Dragon fly.......

A black belly whistling duck.....

The majestic great blue heron at home in the wetlands.......

Two months old and the baby Sand Hill Crane is almost as big as Mom and Dad

Florida's Grassy Wetlands Preserves, are home to alligators, insects, birds and flowers.....

It was a good winter for this photographer......