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Monday, May 10, 2010

March and April 2010 - The best of the birds, butterflys and flowers...

The months of  March and April seemed to be the best for photographing the fabulous birds of Florida....I've picked some twenty photographs to post on this blog.... and, you'll also find some colorful butterfly's, insects and flowers.... enjoy!!!!

The mother Sand Hill Crane shows her newly hatch baby where to find food.

A great blue heron with breeding plumage......

An egret make a landing.....

The baby Sand Hill Crane is almost three week old.....

Could this be an uncle flying in to visit his new nephew?

A great blue heron in flight....

A great american egret flying over duckweed...

A black belly whistling duck heads north....


A passion flower



Flowers in Bok Tower Gardens.....

A little green heron pokes holes in her eggs....

Reflection of a black-necked stilt....

Wild flower.....

Water lily.......

Dragon fly.......

A black belly whistling duck.....

The majestic great blue heron at home in the wetlands.......

Two months old and the baby Sand Hill Crane is almost as big as Mom and Dad

Florida's Grassy Wetlands Preserves, are home to alligators, insects, birds and flowers.....

It was a good winter for this photographer......


1 comment:

FOODalogue said...

beautiful work, John