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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Candid shots from the Fourth of July weekend................

Armed with my new camera, I roamed the south shore of Long Island over the long weekend......

Have a look at what I experienced............

                Red, blue and white.....does it make a difference that they grew out of sequence?
               You've gotten the visual message, correct?

                Its still the Fourth of July!!!!

Mr. Osprey approaches nest at Oceanside Nature Study ...........

A skimmer skimming!!!!!!!!!!!

White egret landing.....

Bringing home dinner for the Egret family!

The dunes and the beach....

Where are you going?

Tippy toes............

His catch of  the day!

Flaps down, looking for a place to land.


           Bringing home the bread, whole wheat, too!

Soaring above the surf...........

Got it!  I think!

Colorful sun protection!!!!!!!!

"If you don't climb out of there, we will leave without you!"
"You must have rocks in your head to get wedged down there!"

Land! land! Yes,  that is land over there, Christopher!!!!! 

I am going to pass to the right, dear. He is suppose to, also !!!!!!!!!

Standing by on a georgious day!

Banking to the right, your left!

Maybe, I'm better off flying?

Sunshine and daisey's!!!


Content trio!

That's all folkes!!!!!!!!!!!


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