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Monday, November 22, 2010

In pursuit of our passions!

Being very pleased with the results of the November 11th PGA National Member's Art Show we moved on to learn and develope new skills in the painting and photography.

I attended a four hour class, Black and White Photography, taught by accomplished photographer Steve Dumond.

Connie has signed up for a workshop, Watercolor Painting - Beyond the Basics by known watercolor artist Sue Archer.

Last Saturday, I attended another four hour class.  Portraits in Nature also taught by Steven DuMond.

Both of the DuMond classes were taught at nearby Grassy Waters Preserve. The purpose of Grassy Waters is to manage, protect and enhance the remnant Everglades ecosystem that supplies fresh water  to people in West Palm Beach, Palm Beach and South Palm Beach. One might call it a miniture Everglades!

Knowing I had my new Digital SLR camera with me Steve was kind enough to
spend several hours showing me the plants, insects and creatures of Grassy Waters plus coaching me in the use of the DSLR.

For your info, Steve DuMond's new book The Beauty of Grassy Waters Preserve - A Photo Journey is hot off the press. If you love the beauty of the Florida Everglades you will want this book in your library.

The following is an example of photo's I took last Saturday.  Enjoy!

We wish everyone a Very Happy Thanksgiving Holiday filled with Peace and Happiness!

Connie and John

1 comment:

FOODalogue said...

John - These photos are spectacular. I see another exhibition on the horizon soon!

Happy Thanksgiving to you, Connie and your families.