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Friday, January 20, 2012

Art, Friendship and Fun!

Tequesta Blvd, Tequesta, Fl.

The Lighthouse for the Arts Gallery     

Contempo Exhibit January 6 - February 11.
Pushing the limits on art, new ideas and new techniques! 

We thank all our friends that came out to support our passions and hobbies Thursday evening at the Contempo Exhibit, Lighthouse for the Arts.

You being there, plus your kind words and encouragement means a great deal to us.


Connie's Golden Flower, a digital photograph enhanced with acrylic paints and pastels.

John's "new" 7 WTC digital photograph on metallic paper.

        A great dinner occasion the night before!!

ckk & jpk  01/19/2012

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Everyday's, a new day !

Living where we do, adjacent to restored Florida wetlands, or a preserve as some call it, we have grown to appreciate nature in all its beauty. We step out our back door into a world free of cars, trucks, trains, horns, whistles, and sirens.

Surrounding us in the air, on the ground and in water are God's creatures.
They look at us with a cautious curiosity, then,  go about their business!

Take a look at what I am talking about. All these photos were taken in our "back yard."

A family of Whistling Ducks.

A pair of Eurasian Collared Doves

A hungry squirrel !

A butterfly!

Great Blue Heron with dinner!

An Owl!

A Hawk!

A Roseate Spoonbill Crane !

A Gray Kingbird!

Mr. & Mrs. "Sandy" Hill cranes.

 A Turkey Buzzard or Vulture!

A Mallard duck and two Coots!

The Moon takes over the night watch!

jpk  1/18/2012


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Our Wednesday evenings and more!

This Winter we have signed up for a two hour,  eight week,  Fine Art Photography class taught by noted Master Photographer Jack Wild.  The class is held at Old School Square in Delray Beach.

Old School Square Cultural Arts Center is an award winning arts and entertainment complex and a National Historic Site,  just a forty minute drive south of us.

Jack Wild has been an commercial and advertising photographer since 1964. He has photographed everything from peanuts to elephants, model planes to the Concord, as well as well known celebrities.
His clients ranged from Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein to many Fortune 500 firms. His art work has been exhibited in the US, Europe and Asia.

You can find an example of  Wild's classes on You Tube. 

 Google his name, Jack Wild photography, to find examples of his work.

In addition to the weekly classes, the school has a web site;

The web site brings together some 800 photographer/artist, many students of Wild.  There are monthly photo contests on the web site, like this month's "doors and windows" competition.  The web site also facilitates "Meet Ups" or organized photo shoots at various locations.

Photographers post their work on the web site for others to see and comment on.  This is truly education in the digital age!

Saturday, we went on out first Meet Up photo shoot. The weather was cool and windy, but we enjoyed the experience.

On the edge of the Everglades!

Part of our "photo shoot" group!

Pointing out a Coot!!

Getting ready for a sunset.

Another adventurous day comes to a sunset.  Kindly click on any of the images to enlarge it for better viewing.

You will find our Loxahatchee "Meet Up" images and "Doors and Windows" contest images  on the  Meet Up web site, mentioned previously.

jpk/ckk 01/17/12

An abundance of color!

Of the various Florida wading birds we see each Winter, the most colorful by far, is the  Roseate Spoonbill Crane. They get their name from their pale coral pink to bright magenta plumage and the spoon or spatulate bill.

This bird's usual haunt is the Caribbean, South America, Mexico and the Gulf Coast. We usually see one or two Spoonbills an entire Winter.  This year, we are seeing an abundance of the Spoonbills. I have seen a grouping of eighteen on several occasions.

Of course, this gregarious animal is a favorite of photographers. Here are my 12 "best" images of this Winter's  PGA National, Palm Beach Garden's visiting Spoonbills.

 The Spoonbills, often in groups, feed on aquatic insects, newts and very small fish.  With our record breaking drought over, there are more wading areas for the Spoonbills and other birds to find food.

March - June is the typical mating season for Spoonbills, here in early January, a Spoonbill is taking materials to build a nest.

                The golden buff is the Spoonbill's breading plumage.

 A typical wading area where the birds find food.
Sunset and a landing Spoonbill.

jpk 1/17/2012