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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Everyday's, a new day !

Living where we do, adjacent to restored Florida wetlands, or a preserve as some call it, we have grown to appreciate nature in all its beauty. We step out our back door into a world free of cars, trucks, trains, horns, whistles, and sirens.

Surrounding us in the air, on the ground and in water are God's creatures.
They look at us with a cautious curiosity, then,  go about their business!

Take a look at what I am talking about. All these photos were taken in our "back yard."

A family of Whistling Ducks.

A pair of Eurasian Collared Doves

A hungry squirrel !

A butterfly!

Great Blue Heron with dinner!

An Owl!

A Hawk!

A Roseate Spoonbill Crane !

A Gray Kingbird!

Mr. & Mrs. "Sandy" Hill cranes.

 A Turkey Buzzard or Vulture!

A Mallard duck and two Coots!

The Moon takes over the night watch!

jpk  1/18/2012


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