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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Cleaning up and rebuilding after Superstorm Sandy!

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Early December saw us return to Island Park to remediate the damage caused by "Sandy," the once in 300 year storm that brought devastation to New Jersey's and New York's shore areas with the astronomical high tides and tidal surges of October 27th & 28th.

It is estimated Superstorm Sandy damaged or destroyed 95,500 buildings in Nassau and Suffolk Counties (Long Island ) New York and left 4.4 million cubic yards of debris.

The above photograph shows in the foreground Long Beach, NY, immediately behind LB or to the North is Island Park. Further to the North are, left to right East Rockaway, Oceanside, Baldwin and Freeport.
The very top of the photo is the Village of  Rockville Centre.

It can be safely said that the areas in the  bottom 2/3's of this photo were underwater with the high tides of October 27 & 28.  There are reports the tidal surge reached 11 feet in height.  Areas 2-3 miles back from the channel behind Long Beach were 2 feet + underwater.

Six weeks after the storm, the reminders remain.....
                                                                    Island Park
                                                                 Lido Beach
                                         The Yacht Club condo's, Island  Park
                             One of the several floating docks that washed up in our yard.
                       A home in Long Beach is missing a deck ! Please come and claim it.
                                                   The "water line" outside our garage.
                             With all our "good" furniture in the POD, Christmas goes on!

                                                 Long Beach was bruised !!!!!
                                      The neighborhood doesn't look the same !
                                                                 A neighbor's boat.
                                         Long Beach's iconic boardwalk is in ruins.
                              To some, the boardwalk is a way of life and life goes on !
                              For others the boardwalk and memorial benches will be memories.
                                                     The sand dunes are washed away !

                                         But  life goes on and a new life will appear !
                                        Replacement car meets storm damaged car !
                               Damaged dry wall and flooring come out and drying fans are in !

                                    The new electrical wiring earns its green inspection sticker.

                                        New insulation before the new flooring !

                            Each day brings "rebuild" progress, today its the new rough flooring!
                                            In the mean time !!!!!!!
                                                Scenes from Island Park business district

                                       A visit to Sacred Heart Church finds in "rebuild."

                                      Life goes on,  Mass in the Sacred Heart parish center.

                                          A visit to Long Beach finds it in "rebuild."

                                             And, we were part of it !!!!!!!!

photos by jpk and ckk                          12/12.


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