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Monday, May 26, 2014

USN's Blue Angels return to Jones Beach

Memorial Day 2014

Absent for a year by sequestration, the U. S.  military returned to the Annual Memorial Day - Jones Beach - Air Show with the presence of the U. S. Navy's precision flying team, the Blue Angels.

Some of the following photos were taken Friday at Republic Airport, Farmingdale while other's were taken Saturday and most taken Sunday from Point Lookout.

Enjoy!!! you may enlarge any of the photos by clicking your mouse on the image...

The Blue Angels were based out of Republic Airport for the Jones Beach Air show.

                                Ground crew fuels and prepares F-18 for flight....

                      NY's Channel 7 News reporter N J Burkett was taken up for a demo flight.

                               Burkett takes photo from rear seat !
                                                  I think I hear mom calling us !

                                          The sky's were overcast for Saturday's show....

Sunday's weather was perfect for flying and photography.....
                                  The Blue Angels C-130 Support Aircraft.....

                                       Soaring over the beach............

                               Returning to Pensacola.......

Thank you for keeping our country strong and come  back again !!!!                    jpk

Sunday, May 4, 2014

The beauty of wildlife......

Here with a summary of wildlife photos taken January through April 2014....

  A Mallard takes off ....

     A Great Blue Heron......

A Great Blue in golden morning sun.....

Great Blue in flight..........

A Great Blue amongst Pickeral weed.......

Young adult Great Blues.......

A Sand Hill Crane......

Sand Hill Crane in mating ritual......

Sand Hill Crane in Flight......

Red Shouldered Hawk..
Pair of dancing Egrets.

An Anhinga come up with dinner......

Click on any image to enlarge....Enjoy...   jpk

Top 10 for Winter 2013/14!

Time to summarize the last six months of our photography.

Armed with new and more sophisticated equipment presented more of a learning curve than I had expected.   However, that did not prevent me from pulling out my smart phone and snapping a shot when I saw one!  I might have more versatility than previously.

Connie's sharp eye for artistic photos is always evident.

Here are what I call our Top Ten of this Winter!

                               Christmas show First Baptist Church Ft. Lauderdale.

                                        Same Christmas pageant....                   ckk

                 Of course, because of where we live, I am compelled to take bird photos!!!

It appears the local Sand Hill Crane population has grown and were ever present affording many opportunities for close up shots.

                                        A foggy morning and a new challenge.

                                   Tiger Woods blast out of sand trap during Honda Classic!   ckk

                         An Indian war dance at the Seminole Indian Tribal Fest!

Wild flowers!

A cruise into the moon light !

end jpk 5/4/14         

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Winter guests 2013/2014!

This Winter many family and friends visited south Florida and we got together with them....

Here with a pictorial summary....... since this Blog is on the Internet, I will not use full names!!!


                                              Richard, who I hadn't seen in over 50 years!
                                                       Thomas and Meagan !
                                                  A full table, too many to name each.......

                                                 Debbie and Bruce, Downtown!

                                               Oonagh and Anthony from Ireland!
                                                   June, John and Mary Ellen......
                                                   Again June, Mary Ellen and John....

It was wonderful to see so many over the Winter months !!!

                                                                                  Connie and John

Our reasons for loving Florida...........

People come to Florida for the warm climate, the white sandy beaches, swaying palm trees, and ocean breezes. Some come to the fantasy world of Disney, Universal Studies, etc. Others come for golf, tennis, fishing, Spring Training major league baseball, or gambling.  And, more come just to relax around the pool!

While we take in many of the above activities our real love for the Sunshine State is what we find in our backyard, a Florida wetland preserve with an abundance of God's creation and beauty.....

This Winter we purchased a "high bar" with chairs so we may sit,  look at God's birds and critters while they may see us........

Every morning, we mediate and have a cup of coffee as nature wakes up in front of our eyes.....
In the evening, we hash over the days events sipping a glass of wine and watching the sun set in the West....

Really, it could not get any better !!!!!!!

A typical morning!

And, they watch us too!

How is this for a greeting!!!!

                                    If we are going to eat, we think they should too!
Male and female!

                                              A Eurasian collared Dove drops by!
                                              Mr. Hawk,  our neighborhood policeman!

 From time to time, when we have guests, the Crane Family comes over for a visit too!
The proud mother shows off her chicks.
Another embracing neighborhood couple !

A not so friendly neighbor who likes to keep to himself! That is good!

A toast as the day comes to a close...

The sun sets on another Florida day !

jpk  5/3/14