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Monday, May 26, 2014

USN's Blue Angels return to Jones Beach

Memorial Day 2014

Absent for a year by sequestration, the U. S.  military returned to the Annual Memorial Day - Jones Beach - Air Show with the presence of the U. S. Navy's precision flying team, the Blue Angels.

Some of the following photos were taken Friday at Republic Airport, Farmingdale while other's were taken Saturday and most taken Sunday from Point Lookout.

Enjoy!!! you may enlarge any of the photos by clicking your mouse on the image...

The Blue Angels were based out of Republic Airport for the Jones Beach Air show.

                                Ground crew fuels and prepares F-18 for flight....

                      NY's Channel 7 News reporter N J Burkett was taken up for a demo flight.

                               Burkett takes photo from rear seat !
                                                  I think I hear mom calling us !

                                          The sky's were overcast for Saturday's show....

Sunday's weather was perfect for flying and photography.....
                                  The Blue Angels C-130 Support Aircraft.....

                                       Soaring over the beach............

                               Returning to Pensacola.......

Thank you for keeping our country strong and come  back again !!!!                    jpk

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