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Friday, August 22, 2014

Tracing one's family foot steps...........

We spent the  weekend of August 15, 16 & 17 in Manhattan.

Friday afternoon we walked and explored SOHO, taking in the sights and sounds of this old New York neighborhood that has turned vibrant, fashionable and contemporary....what a wonderful happening, so much to see and absorb!!!!!

Returning to mid town, we had dinner and drinks at a P&W Irish Pub. We then walked over to St. Patrick's Cathedral.

Very interesting! While it was the Feast of the Assumption of the BVM, there was a Memorial Mass at St. Pat's for the victims of the Seoul Ferry tragedy of April 16, 2014,  the Mass was in Korean and English. The music was beautiful and it was emotional to witness the Korean's memorializing the students that lost their lives in that tragedy.......

(clicking your mouse on any of these photos will enlarge them for better viewing)

Saturday AM, we took the # 6 train downtown and hiked to the corner of Monroe and Catherine Streets, St. Joseph's Church, where we met up with members of the Craco Society for a walking tour of  "the forgotten neighborhoods of New York City."

Connie's ancestors, the Roccanovas, came to the USA from the mountain town of  Craco, Italy in the late 1800's and set up their new life on Cherry and Baxter Streets in lower Manhattan.  This tour was to trace their foot steps and honor all the families from Craco that made the journey.

The 1 1/2 hour tour led by Bob Rubitone with a 20 page handout photo and map booklet.

Records show that the Craco families first destination in NYC was 42-44 Baxter Streets, now site of the Lefkowitz State Courthouse. We stopped there to place a memorial staff of wheat from the Craco area and for a photo op.

Then, it was on to Forlini's Restaurant for a five course meal.......

Sunday AM, we once again were down at Monroe and Catherine Streets and St. Joseph's Church for Mass to celebrate the 125th Feast of St. Rocco, the 14th century saint that is greatly venerated in Southern Italy and Sicily.

But first, enroute, we stopped for some expresso and pastry at Ferrara's........

Now, its on to celebrate San Rocco!

                          Constance Roccanova Kerwick Kearns in front of St. Joseph's Church...

Let the celebration begin.............

Truly a most colorful event to witness....procession  of San Rocco.............
Those are all real $20 and $ 100 bills, plus checks and gold jewelry.......

Into the Streets for an afternoon procession...........
Through the streets of China town and  Little Italy...

 Passing the residence of Connie's grandparents, the Roccanovas, at 182 Hester Street....,.

Officers of the Craco Society and Connie's "cousins" display their award from the San Rocco Society of Potenza for promoting and preserving their heritage.....

Then, it was onto Chinatown for lunch...............

When in Chinatown do as the Chinese do!!!!!!!

Monday morning we took the LIRR home for needed rest, relaxation and a diet......


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