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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Madrid to Sevilla

We said,  "adios, hasta luego" to Madrid ... and left with many fine memories of the five days spent in this european capital city.  We hope there is a next time!

Spain's  AltaVelocityTrain, the AVE, is a real treat expecially, if you go First Class.  the AVE is super clean, they even wash the widows on the outside before the train departs from the station.  Connie and I sat facing each other, at a wide window with a table between us ....  Soon after we left the station the attendents came through with the beverage cart.... free head sets for the video and music; we were then served a snack....

The ride was non stop, a 330 miles trip, 2 1/2 hour trip, averaging 130+ miles per hour. And there was little sensation that you are moving.... Prior to pulling into Sevilla's San Justin Station we were served lunch.

Its rains on the plains in Spain, and, there are rainbows too!

Upon arrival in Sevilla, we took a taxi to our old Sevilla hotel.  The Hotel Cervantes.  Part of this quaint, warm and charming hotel was at one time was a large private home.... Take a look...

Upon checking in we were informed there would be a complementary glass of local sherry awaiting both of us in the hotel lounge .... We accepted the generosity of the house!

As soon as we settle in, we were out and about to explore this city of  Andalusia charm, Flamenco, Samana Santa, Fiestas, a famous Plaza de Tores, magnificant churches, Moorish palaces and restaurants. We were here and intended to take it all in....

We headed right for the largest Roman Catholic Gothic Cathedral in the world.

This ediface dates back to 1181.  Then a mosque, it was consescrated a cathedral in 1218.  Various Gothic and Boroque additions have been made through the ages.  This building houses the remains  of Christopher Columbus.

Our next stop in Sevilla was the bull ring, or Plaza de Tores de la Maestranza ,which dates back to the 1700's and is Spain's most attractive and one of its oldest bull rings. It has an extensive museum of bull fighting. There, we had our first chance  meeting with a group from neighboring Oceanside High School on LI.  We met them a second time atop a mountain in the Costa del Sol.  What are the odds?

Following our museum visit we headed back to our hotel, stopping at a vino and tapas bar enroute.

Sevilla had much to offer the tourist.  The next day would bring more.

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