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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Our journey to Spain, February 11 - 26, 2010

The occasion of our February, 2010 trip to Spain was my 70th birthday.   Why Spain, you might ask.

From November 1966 - December 1978, while in the US Navy, I was stationed at the US Naval Communications Station at La Base Naval de Rota, a Spanish base in Cadiz Providence, on the Atlantic Coast, not distant from the Straits of Gibraltar....

While there,  43 years ago, I purchased an automobile ( a Fiat) and traveled some 17,000 miles exploring the Andalusia Region of southern Spain.  Although always wanting to, I have never been back to see what changes have taken place. Spain was a dictatorship 43 years ago.  It is now a democratic monarchy.  Spain is now a member of the European Union. Spanish tourism has blossomed!   The economy has florished.  There has been a housing boom.

I wanted to see this, plus, enjoy the hospitality, the culture, engage with the locals, once more enjoy the food and drink.  Connie had never been to Spain.  For centuries Spain has been a significant center of  art,  artist, and sculpture.  I wanted Connie to see and experience all Spain has to offer..... 

We had a direct American Airlines flight from Miami... Except a slightly delayed departure and some severe turbulance mid way, it was a good flight...  As soon as one walks into Madrid's airport  international arrivals terminal you see, in my opinion,  an architect's modern master piece.  It is very large, clean, attractive and we think efficient..... 

We took a taxi to our central Madrid hotel; and we checked in...  After freshening up, we were ready to hit the street and explore Madrid....  First on our agenda , was The Prado Museum which houses the works of Velazquez, Rubens, Rembrandt, el Greco, Murillo, Sorolla and many others. 

We spent several hours going from floor to floor, exhibit to exhibit..  We dropped into the museum cafeteria for our first snack and refreshments in Spain.  Then we went back to see what we missed during the initial walk through.

After The Prado, we set out for two of Madrid's pedestrian cross roads, Puerto Del Sol and Plaza Mayor, either could be called the "Times Square" of Madrid.

We were people watching, window shopping, listening to the street musicians and getting into the life of the locals.

The symbol of Madrid is a bear sniffing a tree.  Legend has it that centuries ago a dispute arose over hunting rights on land owned by the church.  It was agreed that, while the church owned the soil citizens of
Madrid had the right to what as above it, namely the game.  Thus, Madrid acquired a symbol.

Finally, we made our way back to our hotel to get some sleep and make ready for our first full day in the Spanish capital.  

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