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Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010 - Festive times with family, friends and the blizzard!

                                     A pictorial review of Christmas 2010, the Kerwick/Kearns clans.......

The aftermath of the blizzard of December 2010.

The Yacht Club, Island Park, NY

                                                          Christmas Eve, the Kearns....
                                                     Dawn showing Connie's painting of Ryan.

The annual Christmas picture....

Ryan inspects Aunt Kris's camera!

Part of the Kerwick clan, Christmas Day and the day after.....

Grandma and girls......

More food and chatter.....

Elli, Eleni (home from Holland) and Carolyn.....

Lots of festive food....

Ali, Eleni, Billy, Tommy, Will, Ty
John, Brian and Conor

A very thankful and blessed John & Connie......




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