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Saturday, February 26, 2011

A neat Florida experience!

One of the neat things to do when in Florida is to witness a rocket launch from the Kennedy Space Center.
While you might make detailed plans there is always the chance that the weather conditions, space craft technical problems, etc. could delay the launch and you will have to scrub your plans.  It is best to have a Plan B.
We had been talking about taking in the final launch of the space shuttle Discovery in November 2010. Then, it was postponed twice in December. Finally, February 24, 2011 looked like it was the date. We planned to drive 2 1/2 hours, find a viewing spot nearby, and wait 6 hours for the lift off. But, the more we thought about it, we decided on a less time consuming plan, to give us a decent viewing site, would be wise.

We drove an hour North and picked Ft. Pierce's Jetty Park to view the late afternoon launch from. We were still some 90 miles away from the space center. But it was a beautiful spot, we had a good time and saw Discovery heading for the international space station on her final voyage.  Take a look!

We brought our picnic basket on wheels.

We had our brand new beach chairs.

                                                           On the Ft. Pierce Inlet!

As launch time approached, we were joined by others!

                                                     4:52 PM and Discovery is on its way!

Higher and higher!

Lifting through the clouds.
Discovery riding it's booster rockets!

Discovery on it's way!!!!!

At the other end of the jetty we found a small group of Pelicans waiting on the local fishermen to return with their day's catch.

                                            The picture taking had just started.

                                 A young pelican shows it's flying skills.

Coming in for a landing!

A great day for flying!

                An adult Brown Pelican (an endangered specis) in Winter Plumage poses for a photo.

Until later, C&J

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