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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Progress of a hobby!!!

It was the Summer of 2008 that I started taking photos of the various birds on Long Island's south shore.

Skimmers, Terns, Piping Plovers, American Oysters Catchers, and Seagulls were in abundance near a protected nesting area. While somewhat happy with the initial results, I always knew there was room for improvement. And, I believe  there still is!

Progress comes in, lets take a look at where we are today, and use this as a base to continue to move forward.

These photos are a result of an intense interest and passion to succeed, an investment in new camera and computer  equipment/software and lots of the encouragement from family and friends plus the time afforded by retirement.

As the Summer of 2011 draws to an end, take a look!  Hope you enjoy!!!!!

                         Federally protected bird nesting area, Lido Beach, NY

             Home to Skimmers, seen here, plus Terns, and Piping Plovers.

                            Scouting for subject matter.

                                          Getting at eye level!

                                 Tiny Piping Plovers.
                             Piping Plovers.

                           A Royal Tern taking home a fish dinner!

                                         A Royal Tern in flight!

                      A Royal Tern.

                            An American Oyster Catcher walks the beach!

                                  In flight !

                                   An adult Skimmer in flight!

                                                 An immature skimmer!

                                         A Skimmer in flight!

                                 A pair of Skimmers!

                    Skimmer with Lido Beach water tower in background.        

                    Skimmer & shadow!

                   An still unidentified bird tries to take off in Hurricane Irene.                     

                                                 Sunset at Lido Beach, NY

Thanks for your interest!
Click on each photo image to increase size for better viewing


Monday, August 29, 2011

An unwelcome weekend guest!

Hurricane Irene visited the South Shore of Long Island Saturday afternoon, August 27th, through sunset Sunday, the 28th.  Preparation for the unwelcome guest got under way on Thursday.

                           Thursday was one last day in the sun, but, no swimming!

                             The life guards were packing up as beach goers still arrive!

   Friday into Saturday AM, home owners boarded up, and locked the doors!

                    Some people stop by the beach to make sand bags.

                              Shop owners leave a message for the expected guest.

                                            Saturday afternoon was time to evacuate.
                                                          The surf was up !

                                                        and foaming!!!!

                                          Our beautiful white sand was blowing away !

                                              The surf continued to pound the beach...

      The tidal surge breaches the sand berm and knocks life guard station 
         off  its foundation.....

Looking East.....

Looking West......

            Nothing is left standing on the once beautiful beach................

                                           A beach pass booth has floated away!          

            The nearby streets are flooded and TV satellite trucks converge.

                                      Spectators came out to survey the damage.

                                                              or blow in the wind!

                                                                 or pose for photos !

                                            Inland there was  other damage to survey!

              Sunrise Monday, LB life guards survey the beach on foot.

                                         Monday daylight reveals more beach damage.

                                           A Fox News lady arrives to brighten the day !

                                         And a collection of old surf boards adds color!

                                                Long Beach, NY says Come Back Soon!

ckk/jpk  829/11



Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A visit to lower Manhattan!

An Internet promotion by the Statue of Liberty boat company was enough of an urge to get us to sign up for the August evening cruise, dinner included.  Giving added thought to the excursion, we decided it was time for a visit to Ground Zero, Wall St. and Battery Park.

Scattered thunder storms were predicted. That didn't hold us back. It did make for a spectacular evening with lightning strikes all around us. Of course, we do not go anywhere without our cameras in hand.

Take a look,

          The E train South out of Penn Station goes to the WTC site and Ground Zero!

                                One WTC rises above Memorial reflections ponds.
                                Seven WT to the right, World Financial Ctr. to the left.
                                Former Deutsch Bank excavation in foreground.

                                     Woolworth Bldg. in reflection of new WTC.

        Trees border reflection pond, foot print of former WTC South Tower.

            Our  tour guide, fifth floor balcony of new W Hotel overlooking site.

                                                A pause for refreshment!

                                             Ceiling of  W Hotel fifth floor bar.

                                                     Next stop was Wall Street.

                           The New York Stock Exchange on Broad Street.

                 John at what was entrance to HQ of RCA Global Communications, Inc.
                  Where John worked 1975 - 1990.

             Connie at spot Grandmother Marie Latorraca arrived in US, April 6, 1899.

                                        Leaving lower Manhattan for Statue of Liberty
                                                             Arrival at Lady Liberty


                                                    The torch of Liberty ablaze.

                                    Lower Manhattan at night, One WTC in lights.

                                    The statue shines over lower New York Harbor.

ckk/jpk  08/24/11