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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A visit to lower Manhattan!

An Internet promotion by the Statue of Liberty boat company was enough of an urge to get us to sign up for the August evening cruise, dinner included.  Giving added thought to the excursion, we decided it was time for a visit to Ground Zero, Wall St. and Battery Park.

Scattered thunder storms were predicted. That didn't hold us back. It did make for a spectacular evening with lightning strikes all around us. Of course, we do not go anywhere without our cameras in hand.

Take a look,

          The E train South out of Penn Station goes to the WTC site and Ground Zero!

                                One WTC rises above Memorial reflections ponds.
                                Seven WT to the right, World Financial Ctr. to the left.
                                Former Deutsch Bank excavation in foreground.

                                     Woolworth Bldg. in reflection of new WTC.

        Trees border reflection pond, foot print of former WTC South Tower.

            Our  tour guide, fifth floor balcony of new W Hotel overlooking site.

                                                A pause for refreshment!

                                             Ceiling of  W Hotel fifth floor bar.

                                                     Next stop was Wall Street.

                           The New York Stock Exchange on Broad Street.

                 John at what was entrance to HQ of RCA Global Communications, Inc.
                  Where John worked 1975 - 1990.

             Connie at spot Grandmother Marie Latorraca arrived in US, April 6, 1899.

                                        Leaving lower Manhattan for Statue of Liberty
                                                             Arrival at Lady Liberty


                                                    The torch of Liberty ablaze.

                                    Lower Manhattan at night, One WTC in lights.

                                    The statue shines over lower New York Harbor.

ckk/jpk  08/24/11


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