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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Backyard photos from the Month of January

For some reason or reasons that not even the long time bird and wildlife watchers can explain there has been an abundance of species of Florida wading birds and other wild life the month of January.  Take a look and enjoy!  It has been great fun and a lot of "work" for nature photographers.

Perhaps its the great weather!

 Nearly a dozen Wood Storks lined up!

An American Robin wintering on Florida's SE Coast.

A Sand Hill Crane nears the end of the 28-31 day incubation period.

What's Florida without snakes?

 A curious hawk looks behind himself.

Now for a front look!  Still skeptical!

A Yellowlegs spots his reflection!

A pair of great egrets, a small snowy and nearly 20 Roseate Spoon Bills.

A Glossy Ibis shows his colors.

A pair of Anhinga battle in the water.

A Tricolor Heron.

Roseate Spoon Bills perched for sunset.

The sun sets on another day!!!!


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