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Friday, February 10, 2012

The ever changing scenery of nature!

I realize, blog posting after blog posting, I must sound like a broken record.  I am always making reference to living on the Marlwood Preserve and  beautiful scenery that nature provides us on a daily basis. 
This blog will be no different. The photos you are about to view took place over a four day period. 
Super Bowl Sunday morning two baby Sand Hill Cranes hatched in the nest behind our home.  It was the 30th day of the incubation, right on schedule. But it is most unusual to have two eggs hatch. 
Two days later, we experienced torrential rains of over 3.5+ inches in 48 hour period. The "ecco" system of the preserve changed.  The birds, animals, insects, etc. were driven from their usual haunts to higher ground. 
I had to purchased a pair of boots to navigate our back yard which was under water.
Lets take a look for your enjoyment.  For the sake of brevity,  I'll limit it to 16 pictures!

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Just after hatching, Mom and Dad check out their new one!
Ah !  There are two new ones are in sight!
Twenty-four hours of heavy rains and the family abandon their home!
New creatures appear in the neighborhood!
Nature provides for the hungry!
Florida Fall Foliage in February!
Migrating Great White Egrets stop in for a day to two!
An opportunity for artistic photography!
An "air plant"!
An ever present watchful hawk!
An immature Ibis looking for food!
A Green Heron checks out the neighborhood.
A Roseate Spoon Bill arrives !
The baby Sand Hill Cranes head for high ground!
A Majestic Great Blue Heron surveys the swamp!
Two White Ibis in their mating ritual !

That's all for today, folks!!!

jpk 2/10/12


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