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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Progress of a hobby!!!

It was the Summer of 2008 that I started taking photos of the various birds on Long Island's south shore.

Skimmers, Terns, Piping Plovers, American Oysters Catchers, and Seagulls were in abundance near a protected nesting area. While somewhat happy with the initial results, I always knew there was room for improvement. And, I believe  there still is!

Progress comes in, lets take a look at where we are today, and use this as a base to continue to move forward.

These photos are a result of an intense interest and passion to succeed, an investment in new camera and computer  equipment/software and lots of the encouragement from family and friends plus the time afforded by retirement.

As the Summer of 2011 draws to an end, take a look!  Hope you enjoy!!!!!

                         Federally protected bird nesting area, Lido Beach, NY

             Home to Skimmers, seen here, plus Terns, and Piping Plovers.

                            Scouting for subject matter.

                                          Getting at eye level!

                                 Tiny Piping Plovers.
                             Piping Plovers.

                           A Royal Tern taking home a fish dinner!

                                         A Royal Tern in flight!

                      A Royal Tern.

                            An American Oyster Catcher walks the beach!

                                  In flight !

                                   An adult Skimmer in flight!

                                                 An immature skimmer!

                                         A Skimmer in flight!

                                 A pair of Skimmers!

                    Skimmer with Lido Beach water tower in background.        

                    Skimmer & shadow!

                   An still unidentified bird tries to take off in Hurricane Irene.                     

                                                 Sunset at Lido Beach, NY

Thanks for your interest!
Click on each photo image to increase size for better viewing


1 comment:

FOODalogue said...

Beautiful work, John. Maybe when you come back to FL you'll give me a few pointers???