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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A short drive down the road!

Sunday past, we drove to Lake Worth to experience the 19th Annual Lake Worth Street Painting Festival. After that, we drove on to Boca Raton to visit the Boca Ration Art Museum and lastly we attended a concert of the Boca Raton Symphonia.

I think after you have seen pictures of the street paintings you will agree it is a very colorful and interesting event.  

The event is a two day, 10 AM to 7 PM, affair. On Saturday, the day before we attended an evening deluge of rain wiped out the first day's art creations. Sunday, the dozens of artist were repairing their water damaged work or they were doing new works.

Take a look.............

We ran into Bonnie, Ron, Joyce, and Pat...

This was a very unique street event.  There was plenty of food,  refreshments, entertainment and it is worth going back next year to see these talented artist at work.


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